5 Things You Should Not Do After Dental Implants Surgery

For those who have lost one or two teeth over the years, dental implants can restore your beautiful smile. Here are 5 things you should NOT do after dental implant surgery to ensure proper healing and long-term success of your new smile.

5 Things You Should Not Do After Dental Implants Surgery

For those who have lost one or two teeth over the years, dental implants can restore your beautiful smile. It doesn't look like any other dental prosthesis because it recreates the entire tooth, including the root. As a result, you'll need oral surgery to place a post in your jaw to support the restoration. Your new smile can last a lifetime with the right care to enjoy a long-term investment.

You don't want anything to jeopardize the success of your procedure. Dental implants are a great way to restore your smile and give you back the confidence you may have lost due to missing teeth. However, it is important to remember that after the procedure, there are certain things you should avoid doing in order to ensure proper healing and long-term success of your new smile. Here are five things you should not do after dental implant surgery:1.


rinsing your mouth too often or too hard for a few days.

Rinsing your mouth aggressively or excessively can alter healing tissues, which can cause bleeding. Instead, shake it gently and let the liquid flow from your mouth into the sink.2.Do not use straws for 24 hours after the procedure.3.


eating foods with sharp edges and don't chew on the implant site.4.

Do not

forget to keep your mouth clean and follow all aftercare instructions, including the foods that should be avoided after dental implants are placed, is essential for proper healing.5.


insufficient oral hygiene as it could affect the long-term success of a dental implant. The placement of dental implants requires a surgical procedure to install the titanium screws that act as the root of the replacement teeth. Dental implants can replace missing or badly damaged teeth or complete dentures when all the teeth have been removed. The overall success of the dental implant procedure depends on the jaw fusing with the post through a process called osseointegration.

The dental implant itself is a small post anchored in the jaw and serves as the “root” of the new tooth. It is important to remember that for the first 24 hours after dental implants, you should avoid foods and drinks that are too hot or cold and avoid drinking through a straw. The most important thing is that you only eat soft foods for the first 24 hours after the dental implant procedure in order to ensure proper healing and long-term success of your new smile. If you would like to learn more about dental implants, contact Fioritto Family Dental today at 440-951-5511 or contact us online.

Diamond Dental Spa is also your go-to source for cosmetic dentistry if you're considering the possibility of implanting dental implants. By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your dental implant surgery is successful and that your new smile lasts for years to come.

Bronwen Davies
Bronwen Davies

Freelance music fanatic. General social media nerd. Professional social media fan. Amateur tv maven. General music advocate. Professional food lover.

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