How Long Does the Pain From a Dental Implant Last? - An Expert's Perspective

Find out how long the pain from dental implants typically lasts and what you can do to help control and minimize it. Learn more about dental implants and whether or not you're a good candidate.

How Long Does the Pain From a Dental Implant Last? - An Expert's Perspective

You may be wondering how long the pain from a dental implant procedure will last. The answer is that it depends on the individual, but typically, you can expect some pain and discomfort up to ten days after the procedure. Most people can return to work or school one to three days after surgery, and the pain should start to subside after five days. After about a week, your mouth should feel almost normal again and you should be fully recovered within one to two weeks.

Your dentist may prescribe pain medications to help you manage the discomfort, and there are many things you can do to help control and minimize the pain you may experience from dental implant surgery. If you're experiencing more pain than expected, contact your dentist or another experienced implant dentist to schedule a follow-up appointment to find out the root cause of your pain. It's important to follow up immediately with your dentist or Dr. Burden to assess the condition of your implant and get the treatment you need. If you recently had a dental implant placed and are recovering from surgery, it's normal to wonder how long the pain will last. A dental implant is a great way to replace missing teeth and is the closest thing to a real tooth.

Many people who need dental implants are concerned about the pain associated with them and wonder how long it lasts after dental implant surgery. If you're interested in learning more about dental implants and whether or not you're a good candidate, contact your dentist for a consultation.

Bronwen Davies
Bronwen Davies

Freelance music fanatic. General social media nerd. Professional social media fan. Amateur tv maven. General music advocate. Professional food lover.

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